Why a Proper Skincare Routine Is Essential for Eczema & Psoriasis (even when you don't have a flare up)

Eczema and psoriasis can be difficult to treat. Some people get flare-ups due to triggers or allergens. Some people have outbreaks without any warning or cause.

When you're having a good run with clear skin and no flare-ups to contend with, it can be really tempting to relax on your skincare routine. After all, you take more time and effort on your skincare routine than people with clear skin on a regular basis. When you’re not having any skin issues, it might seem like a little vacation from all the extra moisturizing and application of specialized creams.

The truth is that staying on top of your routine is important for the health of your skin, even for people who have no underlying issues, like psoriasis or eczema. For those who suffer from flare-ups, it’s even more important.

Three Reasons A Good Skincare Routine Is Essential

Here are a few benefits to staying on top of a good skincare routine:

  • Sun Protection. If you’re paying attention to your skincare routine, you should be using an SPF to guard your skin from harmful rays that can cause sun damage. Using SPF regularly will diminish age spots and help keep skin younger looking.
  • Catch Flare-Ups Early. If you’re moisturizing daily, you’ll catch flare-ups as soon as they start, which will help you treat them proactively.
  • Stave Off Flare-Ups from Allergens. Some flare-ups can be caused because you’re not moisturizing enough or your skin isn’t protected enough from the environment. A good regular routine can diminish the flare-ups you notice.

Tips to Build a Daily Skincare Routine

A good skincare routine is recommended for everyone, not only those who suffer from eczema or psoriasis. But when you do have skin conditions that may cause damage, your skincare routine can save you from having to deal with extra flare-ups and more damage to your skin.

For healthy skin, a good skincare routine should include:

  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Moisturizer
  • SPF Lotion

For eczema patients, this skincare routine needs a little adjustment, even when you’re not dealing with a current flare up.

Here are some tips for those with eczema to build a better skincare routine daily, and during flare-ups.

  • Cleanser. Any cleanser you use for face or body should be as free of scents and harsh chemicals as possible. You can also purchase soaps made specifically for eczema, such as Eczema Honey Gentle Lavender and Oatmeal Soap. When you’re in the middle of a flare-up, you may want to avoid cleanser altogether and just use clean water to rinse the area.
  • Moisturizing. You can use specialty products for moisturizing, such as Eczema Honey Skin Soothing Cream. This can be used with or without a flare-up and should be used after each bath. Applying moisturizer directly after a bath allows you to lock moisture in.
  • Prescription Creams. You may need prescription creams or lotions during a flare-up and these should be used as directed by your physician. Often these are temporary parts of your skincare routine that may take the place or be a portion of your usual moisturizing routine.

Psoriasis is slightly different from eczema. This is an immune disorder, which causes the skin to develop new cells at a faster rate than normal. The buildup of new skin cells is what causes the rough, patchy flare-ups. Prescriptions for psoriasis include topical creams and oral medication. You might also want to take a break from using steroid creams and try a moisturizer with salicylic acid made especially for psoriasis, such as Psoriasis Honey Skin Renewing Cream

The Importance of Daily Skincare with Eczema and Psoriasis

If you have any skin condition, you're susceptible to permanent damage from uncontrolled flare-ups. Each flare-up can mean skin abrasions and irritations. Itching and scratching can cause further damage to your skin.

People often overlook the importance of a daily routine but the skin is really the largest organ on your body. It protects you from the outside impact that the environment can have.

When you see articles about skincare, the main premise is to help your skin maintain a good appearance, feel smoother, or look younger. Skincare is more than that. It’s about keeping your skin healthy, which can impact the rest of your health, as well.

If you’ve had eczema or psoriasis for a long time, you’ll likely notice specific areas where you normally see flare-ups. These are places where you should pay special attention to skincare routines.

For many, the face and neck are common sites where eczema flares up. The skin in these areas is thinner and more delicate. Moisturizing routines can be used in the morning and evening on a regular basis. Your doctor or dermatologist may also prescribe a cream that can be used during the flare-ups.

You may notice more psoriasis flare-ups when that coincide with illnesses. Because psoriasis is an immune disorder, it's important to pay attention to good nutrition and overall health with this condition.

Another thing to consider for women is the type of makeup that you use. Many women with eczema find that makeup can trigger a flare-up, even brands and types of makeup that you’ve used for years. It’s important to make certain that all makeup is removed at the end of the day.

You may notice that your flare-ups are more prevalent during certain seasons. If you have more irritation in the fall, it’s a good idea to pay special attention to your skincare routine as the weather begins to change.

Your eczema might be triggered more by exposure to cold or wet weather. Using precautions, such as dressing for the weather and applying moisturizer more often during these time periods can help keep you flare-up free.

Your skin will also change as you age. You may develop new allergies at any time and your skin itself will become more sensitive to certain environmental factors.

Your skincare routine is about building a regular schedule to make sure that you’re cleansing, moisturizing, and checking your skin regularly. It’s also about paying attention to the things that may cause flare-ups so you can be proactive to prevent them.

When you do experience a flare-up, it’s important to get it under control as soon as possible to diminish the chance of permanent damage to the skin. You can use soothing products and home remedies to keep from scratching and further irritation.


I have been deal with A topical dermantist well at least thats what the doctors say. It looks alot like psorasis to me. It is on the bottom of my feet in beween my toes and on the palm of my hands. I have had it for 10 years. Nothing the doctors have done has worked. I am have had so many test. I can’t use anything with polyglincol. Sorry my spelling is aweful. I am so miserable and don’t even want to go out anymore. The doctors tell me I will just have to live with it. Do you think this stuff will help

Annie Gay June 16, 2020

my skin is most sensitive ever been in maney years flare ups arms back legs don’t no what to do i also take the steroid medication but work a little the skin issues affected my existence

David Cofield April 20, 2020

So I have it primarily on Both calves and on my rear end the worst. I respond well to a spray like entselar. What products should I try?

Anne Posegate April 20, 2020

Thanks for sharing the Daily skin care Routine, i am glad Thank you for sharing such a useful content with us.

lolitacollectivestore October 21, 2019

This article is so helpful to me and excellent reminder for skin care particularly psoriasis( I have mild condition) very little itching but I take care by following and maintaining routine specially flare ups episodes
Thanks for suggestions re the use of steroids and relief of this skin condition
I love the Psoriasis Honey as an alternate for my steroid cream❤️

Herma Rivera September 13, 2019

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