5 Tips to Improve Your Relationship with Psoriasis

From mental stress to physical pain, living with psoriasis can be exhausting. Check out these top 5 tips to help improve your relationship with psoriasis. 

stress & psoriasis1. Change the Way You Respond to Stress

In our last blog, we discussed psoriasis and mental health. 

In a systematic review,  it was discovered that psoriasis is linked with many mental disorders, both in the psychotic and neurotic spectrum.

Now, we’re not saying it’s a walk in the park to address your mental health, or even change the way you think, but working to shift your perspective may improve the way you think about and deal with psoriasis.

Chronic stress actually diminishes your ability to respond to stress, and upregulates sympathetic-adrenal-medullary responses which stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokines.

These cytokines, researchers believe, not only maintain, but exacerbate psoriatic symptoms and flare-ups.

Therefore, by changing the way you respond to stress, you may be able to improve your psoriasis.

psoriasis treatment2. Seek Treatment

While psoriasis can’t be cured, it can be managed.

Common forms of treatment include oral medications and subcutaneous injections, as well as topical applications like creams, gels, lotions, and ointments.

If you’re looking for relief, look no further.

We formulated our Psoriasis Honey Skincare Line with natural ingredients like aloe vera, honey, and grapeseed oil to ensure fast, soothing hydration for psoriatic skin. 

Our products target all types of psoriasis from head to toe, and you can view our entire collection here.

support and psoriasis3. Find Your Community

Better together, right?

There are so many benefits to being involved in healthy relationships.

They can help decrease stress, increase physical wellbeing, lead to longer lives, and offer a greater sense of purpose.  

Feeling supported in a journey that’s otherwise isolating, can make a key difference in the way you view and manage your psoriasis.

If you’re looking for your tribe, click here to see the 5 best psoriasis Instagram accounts to follow.

psoriasis and diet4. Address Your Diet

As literature suggests, diet has a seemingly large effect on psoriasis.

Certain foods have been thought to play a role in the development or worsening of psoriatic symptoms. 

Red meat and dairy, for example, contain arachidonic acid. Those living with psoriasis have high levels of pre-existing metabolites, and those metabolites cause inflammation and process arachidonic acid.

It’s possible, research suggests, that by increasing your intake of these foods, you’re increasing the metabolites needed to bread down that acid.

By observing or changing your diet, you may be able to decrease the frequency and severity of psoriatic flare-ups.

psoriasis and environment5. Monitor Your Environment

While changing your diet might be one part of a promising process, monitoring your environment may be the other.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, weather conditions can contribute to psoriatic flare-ups.

Too much sun, too little humidity, and extreme hot or cold climates may all contribute to psoriasis and its symptoms. 

psoriasis honey products

Combat Psoriasis with Psoriasis Honey

Improving your relationship with psoriasis can come in many forms, whether it’s through support, treatment, or lifestyle change

And it’s important to remember that what works for one person, might not work for the next.

But consistency, a positive mindset, and the willingness to work on your relationship with psoriasis will surely be the foundation for a life well lived.
Don’t forget that we’re here to support you along your journey. We’re just one click away!

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