Psoriasis Skincare Routine
Taking care of your skin, whether you have psoriasis or not, is extremely important.
A good skincare regimen can help prevent breakouts, slow the spread of wrinkles, and balance any discoloration.
For those living with psoriasis, a consistent, well-rounded skincare routine can help take the edge off those rough dry patches.
But what exactly does a good skincare routine consist of? Let’s take a look.
Step 1: Cleanser
If you’re going to do one thing - cleanse your face.
Your skin is your largest organ, so it’s important that you do your part to take care of it.
While it’s good to wash your face at least once a day, it’s even better to do it twice - once in the morning, and again in the evening.
Your skin is subject to an incredibly large amount of pollutants that circulate the atmosphere. These pollutants embed themselves in the skin, and can lead to clogged pores.
Pores play an essential role in keeping the body cool and flushing out toxins, and clogged pores are also responsible for acne and breakouts.
Choosing a cleanser best suited for psoriatic skin is important. You don’t want to further irritate your already angry skin, so you’ll want to steer clear from anything too harsh.
Look for a “gentle” or “foaming” cleanser, but be sure to check the ingredients, or test the product on a small patch of skin.
Not sure where to start? We have the perfect solution for you: the Psoriasis Honey Gentle Cleansing Soap, and you can get it here.
It’s a gentle cleanser, formulated with ingredients to help reduce inflammation without leaving the skin feeling tight and dry.

Step 2: Toner
Looking to balance your complexion?
Try a toner.
One of the most common, lasting effects of psoriasis is skin discoloration, and toners can help with that.
Toner’s are the ‘supplements’ of the skincare world - they deliver extra nutrients, and help prime your face for other products to be absorbed better. They even help remove leftover makeup and debris that weren’t removed during your initial cleanse.
For psoriatic skin, you’ll want to again, stick to toners that are made up of safe, natural ingredients formulated for sensitive skin.
And be sure to avoid alcohol-based products which may only further aggravate the skin.

Step 3: Serum
Next up is serum.
Chances are, you’ve at least heard of serums, or maybe you even have one sitting in your cupboard. But what exactly does it do? And what benefits does it provide?
Serums are extremely concentrated versions of toners. “Think of toners like a sip of beer, and serums like a straight shot of tequila.”
Serums contain active ingredients that help with everything from pigmentation and discoloration, to fine lines and wrinkles.
For those with psoriasis, we at Psoriasis Honey actually formulated the perfect Skin Nourishing Serum that works equally well on the scalp.
Meant to hydrate and deeply nourish, our all-natural serum contains power packed ingredients like grapeseed and jojoba oil, in addition to a blend of other essentials.

Step 4: Moisturizer
Every skin needs moisture - and moisturizers do just that. They provide hydration, all while leaving your skin soft to the touch.
Beyond that, moisturizers also provide several other benefits.
They help retain the products underneath, and work to prevent water loss through the outer layers of the skin.
Applying a light moisturizer once or twice a day may be sufficient for those who have normal-to-dry, balanced, or even combination skin, but in those living with psoriasis, it’s important to find a moisturizer that’s not only effective in reducing skin flakes, but also long-lasting.
And finding products that don’t need to be reapplied every 20 minutes is difficult.
We understand how bothersome, and time-consuming it is to apply, and re-apply product throughout the day, which is why we created the Psoriasis Honey Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion and the Psoriasis Honey Skin-Renewing Cream so that you can choose between two levels of hydration meant for lasting effects.

Psoriasis Honey Cares
We formulated the Psoriasis Honey product line because we saw a need for a solution that didn’t exist.
We pride ourselves on our collection of products made from natural, wholesome ingredients and truly believe in our power to help heal those with psoriasis.
We want you to believe in us too, which is why we offer a customer satisfaction, money-back guarantee.
So what are you waiting for? Check out our collection today, and find the relief you deserve.