GUEST INTERVIEW: Tips and Tricks from our Psoria-SISTER Aprilynn
On Psoriasis Honey, we find one of the best ways to share knowledge in regards to Psoriasis is through first-hand accounts. This interview comes courtesy of Aprilynn who is pursuing her degree in Microbiology and is a Psoriasis Warrior (she calls herself a Psoria-SIS!)
Psoriasis Honey: Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself?
Aprilynn: I am first generation Cambodian American. My family came to the US to escape the Khmer Rouge. I currently am going to school for a degree in microbiology, the goal is to finish school with a Master’s in Eastern Medicine because since my journey with psoriasis I have been trying to promote and educate with a more natural lifestyle.
Psoriasis Honey: How old were you when you developed psoriasis?
Aprilynn: I was about 14 years old when I had scalp psoriasis, and not until after high school did, I start to notice the plaque psoriasis really spreading all over my body.
Psoriasis Honey: What are some of your known psoriasis triggers?
Aprilynn: I would say my most known trigger would be stress. I was a runaway during my teen years and with that kind of lifestyle, stress is bound to follow. Another would be a colder environment, I never did well in the cold so I think because of that my body doesn’t like it either.
Psoriasis Honey: How is your day-to-day life affected by psoriasis?
Aprilynn: Getting psoriasis during the prime of a young girl’s life to have fun (early 20’s) is probably one of the hardest insecurities I had go through. I mean I was constantly surrounded by the pressures of media and all my friends who got to show off the cutest little outfits that showed their skin while I stayed as conservative as much as possible because I feared the gawking eyes and people thinking I was sick or disgusting. I am older now though and I am much more comfortable, not bikini comfortable but can wear a short sleeve top. I would say currently though when I do have a bad flare- up it does prevent me from being able to work. I work in a lab and it isn’t the warmest place, when I do flare- up I must either stay home or bundle up to make sure the cold air doesn’t trigger it to make it worse.
Psoriasis Honey: What does your daily skincare routine look like? What are some products that you use routinely?
Aprilynn: For just about all my skin care needs I use Amazing Grace by Philosophy body wash and lotion. After I wash with Amazing Grace, I like to go over the areas that I have plaque psoriasis with the Psoriasis Honey Oatmeal and Salt soap. After I have showered, I follow up with the Psoriasis Honey Renewal cream which I like to store in the fridge. I then individually moisturize each flare- up on my body with the cream. This cream really helps calm any inflammation I have.
Psoriasis Honey: What does your diet look like and have you made any adjustments to your diet due to psoriasis?
Aprilynn: I have always been a pretty healthy person, as I grew up loving vegetables. I would say I cut a lot of junk food out from my diet and my red meat intake has lessened to once a month. I have been more on a pescatarian diet, and I recently started juicing. My diet is now favored around foods I have researched to be anti-inflammatory to help fight against my psoriasis.
Psoriasis Honey: How did you hear about Psoriasis Honey?
Aprilynn: I actually first heard about Psoriasis Honey through your sister company Eczema Honey. I have been sharing my experience and knowledge more with social media and a friend sent me a link to Eczema Honey and how it has helped with her kids’ eczema. From there, I stumbled upon Psoriasis Honey!
Psoriasis Honey: What kind of results did you see from using Psoriasis Honey?
Aprilynn: From just the little time using your product it definitely helped with the inflammation. Putting the skin renewal cream in the refrigerator each time helps cool the plaque psoriasis on my body. Also, I love the exfoliating feeling the oatmeal and salt soap gives when I take a shower!
Psoriasis Honey: What type of products were you using prior to Psoriasis Honey?
Aprilynn: I was using the Philosophy brand products, specifically the Amazing Grace line. Prior to that I used Dove when I first got psoriasis, and from there I tried Lush but those products became really expensive. I also used to use a lot of topical steroid creams, but it was exhausting to always put on knowing I was thinning my skin in the process. When my skin was at its worse, I would take steroids orally. This worked great to bring down the inflammation, but the side effects of taking this medication was terrible and I realized not worth it.
Psoriasis Honey: What is one thing you want friends, family, and followers to know about psoriasis?
Aprilynn: Living with Psoriasis is something serious, it isn’t just dealing with ashy skin. To be honest it would be so much easier if it was just ashy skin. My mental and my physical health are very much incongruent with my condition.
Psoriasis Honey: What are your top 3 tips for psoriasis sufferers out there?
1) Find positive outlets because if you continue to stress yourself out about your condition, then it will continue to spread as you stress out.
2) It is not cliché when I say your diet really is impactful on your health. Try to pay attention to the foods that you eat to see if any of them trigger your psoriasis.
3) Please remember… Everything will be okay. You are not alone, there is a whole community here for you. We won’t forget to love you, so please don’t forget to love yourself <3.
Psoriasis Honey: Any suggestions on types of new products you’d like to see from us?
Aprilynn: I would love to see a scalp solution for psoriasis! I’ve seen that you have one for the Eczema Honey line and thought that was genius.
You can follow Aprilynn on her social here where she often talks about the fight against Psoriasis: